Hey friends,
We're winding down to our final few days in Hungary before our term returns to the mother land of North America. It has been an amazing experience doing evangelism here and being able to worship God in public.
The evangelism ministry was led by three older men who I'm just compelled to tell you about. Terry from Nottingham England (like Robin Hood!) had tattoos all over his body and a testimony that would blow your mind; he sang old hymns and played the banjo (he is also a hired clown haha!). Sam from Alabama who used to be a womanizing, muscle car driving blues guitarist who also had a mind-blowing testimony; he played the blues songs and rewrote them towards hope in Christ. The last guy we worked with was Hungarian who didn't speak a spit of english and used to be a general in the Hungarian army! whaaat!? (The first time I shook his hand I thought he was going to crush it) These men inspired me soooo much and just showed me that God can redeem any life. They serve the Lord faithfully in this ministry and do it with joy.. ahhh they challenge me, I wish you could meet them.
At least 2-3 times a week we would head out with these crazy old men and set up a sound system in the middle of a metro station and just share the love of Christ through music, handing out tracks, sharing testimonies and preaching. I was able to teach the story of the Prodigals Son with a Hungarian translator on many occasions and just share about how we were created to be in relationship with our creator and that no matter what they've done Jesus is the only one who can bring freedom to their past and give them a hope and a future. Because we didn't speak Hungarian we weren't able have many quality conversations but I think just being a presence of hope and joy in a hopeless area was enough for God to work in their hearts. Many homeless people and prostitutes would just stand there and listen for hours while we would sing and speak of God's love for them, it was incredible to see their faces change from miserable to a smile. Although we didn't see firsthand, the Hungarian contacts we worked with were able to lead many to the Lord in these times.
I'm so blessed to have worked with the ministries here. Budapest is by no means an easy mission field. The more I see the world the more I am reminded of the call of Jesus for the lost. People need a hope, thats all I want to say.
Know that your life isn't small.
Blessed to be a blessing